Sunday, August 03, 2008

How I've been spending my days...

I thought I'd share with you some of the things I've been doing lately to keep myself busy :)

As much as I've wanted to knit, it no longer comes to me. I've spent hours and hours knitting only to rip those hours of work out to start again. I've even tried knitting another's pattern and that didn't work. I've tried knitting one of my own patterns and the words are like a foreign language. Below are a couple of the items I wanted to knit, but couldn't... I think I might have 'knitter's block' :)

BYOB by Moira Ravenscroft and THE ABSOLUTE Best (my pattern)

I'm also learning verbal Japanese. This is something I've always wanted to do since teaching First Grade in Hawaii. Every week my class would have Japanese and Hawaiian Language classes. So Rick got me a program to learn how to speak the beautiful language. So far, it's pretty easy :)

I've also been tring to figure out how to make the points pointed when I sew triangles together that were cut with a template. I want to quilt the material & make it into a bag. My mom has explained it so well over the phone... but like my sons, I think I might do better seeing it and doing rather than with words... guess I need to make another visit back to Ohio :)LOL! Below you will see what I'm talking about in the 2 rows toward the top of the picture below. The other fabrics are some that I'd like to use in making a bag for the fall.

When my hands aren't busy, I've been reading A Place Called Trinity by Della Parr. It's the first Christian Historical Fiction that I've read. I love reading books that take me to a place where I get to know the characters and their lives and where towns/communities are a big part of the story. And so far, this book has it all.

And finally, the hardest thing I'm trying to do is loose weight. Although I am way over weight, and I've been to 4 doctors in the past 20+ years, NOT ONE has suggested I go on a diet. One doctor told me "God makes people in all sizes and the most important thing is that you're healthy." Another said "Let's concentrate on getting your blood pressure down." (NO diet). And yet another said "It's not healthy going on these diets to yo-yo up and down. I'd rather you not" Now, I'm not talking 20 lbs overweight, I'd like to loose about 80 and I'd still be a little over what I should be. This experience just amazes me when all we hear on the news is how Americans are obese and need to do something about it... yet when I've asked and begged the Drs I've gone to, I've been told those things above. This time when I went to the Drs I told her that I am determined to do something about my weight. I initiated the conversation and told her I wanted her opinion on the LapBand and if I'd be a good canidate. She said I would but that I would need to be on a 'diet' for a while. So, I'm on a high protein/low carb diet. I've lost inches over the past 4 weeks, but I'm not sure about pounds. I go back to the doctor's in a couple of weeks. :)

So, that's about it for what I've been doing. I'm going to end with a couple of my favorite little blessings:

Andrew, Joe, Weston, & Mylie(my grand-babies!!)

Bless you all!!!

1 comment:

Aunt Kathy said...


That material is very pretty and I know you'll get those triangles figured out. maybe God wants you to visit mom, {{{smile}}}

As for the diet, you know I am right there with you. High protein low carb and exercise... together we are going to both make our temples holy and acceptable for our Lord.

I pray for you often.

The grandbabies are beautiful