Tuesday, August 05, 2008

I Had A Dream...

About 20 years ago I was at one of those 'crossroads' that I spoke about earlier and I needed to know what God wanted for me. My mom had said "God talks to you in your dreams sometimes, why not ask him to tell you what he wants you to do through a dream" That very night I had the following dream:
I was in a sterile environment like a hospital I was standing at a nurse's station or an information area. I walked up to the counter and before I could say anything, the woman sitting there told me that she had been expecting me and that I was there to find out something important. I was a little scared and excited at the same time. She went on to tell me that I needed to find the man with the white cross... so I walked down different hallways that branched off of this information/nurses center. I couldn't find this man. So, I went back to the place where I started, but the lady wasn't behind the counter. As I began to walk away, a man came up to me and opened his suit coat. There on the inside of his coat on the right hand side was a white cross. I shook my head and told him I knew he had something he needed to tell me. He walked me into a large hospital room. there were 3 beds on the right and 2 on the left. Even now, I can see this as if it were yesterday. I could see the sink and a mirror and the door that led into the bathroom. In each bed I saw what looked like life sized Cabbage Patch Kids. The man lead me to the center of the room and told me to look around. He then told me to go to each of the 'dolls' and touch them with my hand and then to return to the center of the room. I did that... then he said "take a look again...." I did and to my surprise all the 'dolls' came to life. He said "this is what you are to do".

For years I searched for a 'real life' man that might have a cross or anyone who might know what the dream meant. And for the past few years I've wanted to go back to school to be able to work as a chaplain. Well, yesterday I signed up for classes that I think might get me closer to that desire. Again, it's so far from what I've done recently, but not so far from what I've done in the past. I was once a volunteer intake worker for the Navy/Marine Relief Society. And a few years after that, I was a phone intake counselor for Honolulu Suicide & Crisis Center. I loved both opportunities!!!! And I'm so excited... I hope to be able to possibly work as a volunteer chaplain or maybe an assistant.... maybe God's going to 'drop' me in that kind of environment next!!! :)

1 comment:

Aunt Kathy said...

I love it when God talks to me in my dreams, sometimes I am baffled but when I can see the message I am always excited to have heard from Him.

May this dream be God's will for you Sue and may it bring you and others closer to the Savior.