Thursday, August 14, 2008

Painting With Thread Day 3

Well it took me almost all day to get the back stitching done, but it's done now and I can move on to the next heart. I don't know if I'll move up, to the right or the left, or down. The pattern has 4 rows of 3 hearts each. I guess you'll have to come back tomorrow and see which way I decide to go :)


Aunt Kathy said...

I need to get better lighting in my house so I can pick up my counted cross stitch again... I have a project I made from a picture of yellow roses that I have everything to make it with just no time or proper lighting yet.

Sue Schaefer said...

I sure understand about lighting. :) I try to cross stitch during the day and knit/sew at night. My glasses work very well, but when the light isn't bright, it's still are to see. :)

Thanks for stopping by!