Friday, November 21, 2008

Ever said this?

I know, I know... once you read this and watch the video... I know you'll think I'm such a legalistic person, maybe I am and maybe I'm not. But having taught preschoolers for almost 25 years I have seen a change in children and their language. The thing that saddens me the most is that they use God's name in vain. And I know they've heard it from their parents and on tv. I was just reading an article on the use of OMG on blogs and other places in cyberspace. AND how many Christians don't see anything wrong with it. Well, I'm NOT one of them. I see it every where I look and it bothers me. The taking of my God's name in vain really makes me mad and sad. And then when I see it on blogs where the author professes Jesus as their Savior and then slap him in his face by using OMG. By using the 3 letter acronym, it totally voids any witness they might have. You can't be on the fence in life... either you're a Christian who tries not to sadden the Lord, or you're not and will do what you want to please the masses. And NO I've never used God's name in vain both out of respect for God and because I've known how the children I've taught watch everything I do and listen to everything I say. I would never do anything to lead not one of them astray. In response to something I read, I found this video and am so impressed with the message. You decide for yourself.

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