From the time I was a very young girl, the Bible has been my favorite book. I loved memorizing the verses while in Sunday School so I could get that 'special' Bible. As a child, I was fascinated by the book itself because during 'morning services' I would hear the minister talk about the Bible being 'God's Word'. I also remember one of those first verses that I memorized "Thy word have I hid in my heart that I might not sin against thee." Psalms 119:11. I remember asking so many questions of my teachers and my minister, like: "What happened between the Old Testament and the New Testament?" and "When was the Bible written?" I also remember the looks I got when I asked such questions... like "How did this child come up with this question"
Then when I went away to college (Anderson University) I had even more questions. My Bible classes were some of my very favorites, especially the Gospel of John. It was during these years that I really had to look more closely at what the Bible was saying especially to me. I was raised as an American Baptist and I found myself in a Church of God (Anderson, IN) school. Up to this point in my life I thought all Christians believed the same thing. That was until I got in those small Bible classes where the prof, knowing that I was one of only 3 Baptist students on campus, started questioning me about "my" beliefs. During the questioning, I didn't really appreciate being put on the spot like that, BUT as I 'grew' in my knowledge of the Lord and His Word, I was so very thankful for that experience because I learned my first lesson in Bible study, that being that God speaks to us through His Word. Through reading and studying, I began to learn to hear God's voice in the written word. AND because of this experience, God began to draw me nearer to Him so that we, together, could 'work out my salvation'. I had to figure out what and how I believed and why. I am so very thankful that I had this opportunity to really develop my own belief system.
As I went further through life, when things happened to make the journey rocky, I was able to pull from my memory those very important Bible verses I learned as a child. I also had the 'tool' or 'guide book' to get me through those 'bad' times. During these experiences I realized that not only was it a very Holy Book, and that God speaks to me through the Book, but also that in it the words where 'active'. I found comfort when hurt, health when sick, hope when depressed, and love when I felt unloved. In one single book, I found who God is.
One of THE most exciting things as a teacher and a mom was sharing the Bible and it's stories with my children. I felt it not only an honor, but a grave responsibility to share God's word. And the thing I loved most about introducing God's Word to small children was that they always wanted more... one more story... please!!! Children seem to have an internal awareness of God that they seem to loose as they grow older. I hope in this way, I will always be a child... always wanting more... even if I've read that passage a million times, I want more.

While roaming around in our local Christian Family Bookstore, I came across a book that I just couldn't put down, "Knowing & Loving The Bible, Face to Face with God in His Word". Have you ever had these strong feelings when finding a book that intrigues you? One lady I knew said she got that same 'feeling' from the smell of the book. Another told me it's the way the book 'feels' in her hands or the type setting used to print the book. I just couldn't go home without this book, so I 'treated' myself. I was going to keep this for the new year as a resolution to 'go deeper' in my study and devotional time. BUT I could NOT wait :) (see, there's that little girl) Any way, I just LOVE this book so far. I am going to use it over the next 30 days. There are 3 choices of how you can read the book...1)read only the parts that interest you, 2)read it as part of your devotional time over 30 days, 3)as you would read any other book... read until you get tired. I so recommend this book to anyone. The writing style is very very readable and easy to understand. Where the HEAVEN book that I also LOVE so much is much more detailed or deep, kinda like an academic book. On the other hand, I can see why this is the perfect book to include in a 'get closer to God' time. You can get it at:
Family Christian Bookstores,
Barnes & Noble, or at the
author's website (you've GOT to check it out!!!). Won't you join me in making your time with God one 'appointment' you NEVER want to miss?

Speaking of appointments. I've mentioned many times how I use journaling a lot in my life, both in my 'designing' and also in my 'every day' dealings. Last year this time I found a wonderful Journal, again at my local Family Christian Bookstore, I just LOVE it. I take it every where!!! It is chuck full places to put important info, appointments, and notes. Although I don't have a 'real' job, I use the journal to remind me of verses, ideas, or just sayings that I don't want to forget. There are Bible verses for each day as well as an address section, a budget section, important 'info' section. It has it all. Next to my Bible, this is my most important and used book that I own. This year I'm giving them as gifts. I keep all of my 'journals' so that maybe someday one of my grandchildren might want to get to know me better :) I haven't much as far as worldly goods... but I am a zillionare in the memories and experiences I'd love to share with them. Those things are priceless. You might want to check one out for yourself.

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