I just came home from doing my usual Sat. running and had to come right to my puter to write about how happy I am to be alive!!! It's absolutely gorgeous today here in the Great Northwest. I'm still shaking due to sensory over load. The sky is beautiful blue... you know the kind... like on the day before Spring? The air is crisp and clean and it's a blessing to inflate your lungs with such cleansing breaths. The snowy covered mountains that stand guard around our little town of Bellingham are looking over this hamlet by the sound. I saw people walking stopping and chatting... people who haven't been out all winter were walking their dogs... there was a buzz of business at our neighborhood gardening store... ladies were turning the soil in their flowerbeds as if to wake up the beauties that are sure to appear... men were out and about gathering things to fix up things around their homes that had been neglected during the winter... and through it all I just thanked God for allowing me to be right here... right now... to experience this beautiful day!!! What a wonderful way to worship the creator and to thank Him for the beauty of His Earth.... I love the way He loves me!!!
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