Sunday, April 19, 2009

Storing up treasures

For the last few years I've wished I was a home owner. That is until the past 6 months. Now I understand that it was God's will for us not to be tied down with so many earthly 'things'. Because Rick and I have moved long distances and because I really never felt connected or grounded in any one area, we never have 'collected' all the things most people our age have. Being like this makes moving when God leads so much easier. Little did I realize that, God has actually been teaching us something all along. Where our treasure is that's where our hearts will be. We are living in the day (not the future), giving as God commands and listening when He speaks. And we have the assurance that when we do as he says, we will be protected by jobloss, economic disaster, and want. In this area of faith and trust God says in Malachi "Try it! Put me to the test!" He goes on and says that "Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease." And it's been about 3 years now that we have been following these principles and all our needs God has supplied.

Yesterday I picked up another book by Randy Alcorn "Money, Possessions, and Eternity". In the video below Randy talks about the principle above. Please watch with an open heart and allow God to show you the way out of an otherwise bad situation. I know that if you trust God and do as He asks He is faithful. If He can do these things for us, He can do them for you too because God is no respector of people. He loves us all the same. And wants to bless all His children in the same ways.

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