I am so excited about what I've been up to over the past week or so. I've been praying that God would show me new ideas in my designs. And I thought I'd show you what the results were. Many people wonder how I do this so I thought I'd explain the creative process that I go through in designing. The first thing I do is pray that God would lead me through or to give me an image in my mind's eye. I also ask to be lead or drawn to a color or a group of colors that seem to 'fit'. In the case of the little "KNITTED Granny Squares" I was thinking about how could I take a straight line and cause it to create "corners". Once I figured that out then I knew from experience how to make the 'holes' that would give the squares that 'Granny' look. I must admit it took about 7 times to really get the pattern down, but I'm really please with what God and I came up with. The

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