Today I finished 2 books that have made me look at things in a different light. The first is the book to the left, HEALING WATERS BY Nancy Rue & Stephen Arterburg and the complete NEW TESTAMENT. One of my goals for this year was to read through the complete Bible. And today, I completed half of that goal. One thing I see more clearly now is the BIG PICTURE. Although I've probably read the New Testament many times... a verse here and a chapter there, but reading it in it's entirety is a lot different. I was able to distinguish the individuals' voices as I read one letter to the next. I could see the differences in how each author, under God's direction, told the story of Jesus in the gospels. It means a lot more to me now and I would challenge you to do the same. What I did was start reading Matthew in the morning (1 chapter) and Revelations (1 chapter) in the evening. I also am reading the Old Testament through from Genesis through Malachi. I do this reading also during my evening reading. I have fallen again in love with the unbelievable God, my 'Abba'.
The second book I just finished, HEALING WATERS, really touched me. It is full of suspense, self-realization, a world view of some 'religious' people/leaders of this world. I don't want to give anything away, but Mary Graham (President of Women of Faith) says this about the book "For every women struggling with self worth, here's HEALING WATERS. My own personal quote from the book is "Salvation is not dependent on a dress size". I LOVE THAT!!! You can click on the picture to order a copy of your own or to read more about the book. Check it out!
So, if you're about to go on a vacation and need something to read, I whole heartily recommend these 2 books!!!
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