Thursday, November 13, 2008

Our Eternal Rewards.... something to look forward to :)

November is such a special time for us at the Schaefer home. Not only is it a time of remembering all the things we have to be thankful for, but also celebrating what God has given and how mightily that He's worked in our lives. We also are rejoicing in the anniversary of Harvest Moon Designs. It's been 2 exciting years since God entrusted us with this adventure of designing little squares of cloth that are inspired by so many different things... scripture, life experiences, friends, songs, the beautiful seasons that our world goes through that moves us through time. We made many friends from all over the country and have been blessed by so many kind words and prayers. Neither Rick nor I could have ever imaged how God could use what little we had in such a mighty way. And we thank him every day for providing above and beyond our daily needs. If you haven't visted Harvest Moon we'd love for you to stop by :) Just click on this link.

My very favorite pastor to date is Dr. Charles Stanley. I wanted to share with you today something that encourages me to 'fight the good fight' and to look to the things to come. I hope you'll enjoy the short video as much as I do. :)

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