Monday, November 17, 2008

How sad...

Be Sad
For years I've watched one of my favorite TV shows on ABC and have always been challenged by ideas that might not have been my own and I was impressed by the humor and intellect until the last 2 episodes. I understand that this is going to be the last season for this show. Tonight I did something I'd never done before, I turned it off before the end. I was saddened by the way the ABC political agenda seeped into and dominated the story line. I was also sickened when people who voted for McCain were called "idiots". How very sad!!! I thought there was to be respect for all who vote no matter how they vote. I thought this was 'the land of the free and the home of the brave'. Seems to be that it's not the land of the free if we are not free to believe as we'd like without being called an 'idiot'. I guess the end of that phrase "the home of the brave" might be true for those who don't believe as the majority on things. You'd have to be brave to stand for the things that go against the 'status quo'.

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