"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Tisk, tisk, tisk...
I just heard a news report that in England, religious leaders are having to include a Hindu snowman, a Jewish Menorah, and something from the Muslim community with their nativity scenes in order to 'respect' or 'include' other religions during this Christmas season. I'm sorry to say this for friends of other religions, BUT COME ON!!!! the Christmas celebration is just that... a Mass for Christ. When are we 'Christians' going to finally stand up and say "NO!!!" Christmas has nothing to do with Hindu, Muslim, Shintoism, or any other non-Christ center religion. As a matter of fact, some of those other religions HATE Christianity. So, why on earth do we allow such stuff to take place during the time when we, Christians, are celebrating the birth of the Savior who came to save us ALL... yes, even those that do not even know Him or choose not to believe in Him? It's just another case of Christians not taking an active stand. This situation reminds me of the following quote "Give us clear vision, that we may know where to stand and what to stand for - because unless we stand for something, we shall fall for anything." ~ Peter Marshall, US Senate Chaplain 1947 This quote came as the whole world was reconstructing itself... after WWII and at the beginning of the Cold War.
Here in Washington state, we've had a big controversy going on at our state house surrounding freedom of religion. You can read a little about it at this link, if interested. A man representing Freedom from Religion group posted an anti-religion sign next to the Nativity Scene and the "Holiday" tree. This really caused a be stir in the news. And eventually, the sign was stolen and then given to a radio station because 2 of their broadcasters kept discussing why the sign shouldn't be there. Again, I ask... What is this world coming to?
I remember a few other quotes dealing with complacency: "When good people in any country cease their vigilance and struggle, then evil men prevail." Pearl S. Buck "Evil prevails when good men do nothing" Aristotle
I don't want to leave you today in such a state, I just wanted to give you some "food for thought. With that said, how about a nice Christmas Song to remind us what Christmas is REALLY all about?
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