These Are A Few Of My Favorite Things
"Imagination is more important than knowledge." Albert Einstein
Thursday, September 15, 2011
Help those who serve our country
Friday, February 11, 2011
Learning to Save
Just like every where else, prices in Hawaii have gone up. Many of the things that where expensive when I moved here in '82 are now the same as on the mainland (such as milk & meat prices). Gas and rent are more than mainland averages. The ironic thing is that our gas prices here on Oahu are within cents of gas in Bellingham, WA where we use to live. Another BIG difference between living in WA state and being here is that where sales tax is high, there is no state income tax. Here in HI sales tax is about normal, and they also have state income tax. So the increase in Rick's salary has been eaten up with taxes. With all this being said, we are learning how to save in Paradise. I've created a special blog where I will be sharing how we are saving. And if we can save here, I'm sure you can save where you live. So be sure to check out SAVING $$$ IN PARADISE!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Checking in :)
I'm going to try my best to keep in touch this year, so I decided to write a little today. The New Year's Sale was a great success!!! Thank you God!!! I'm also done with my next grouping and will be posting on Thur. I've had a wonderful time creating over the past month or so. I look forward to this new year and what God will be giving me :)
There is one thing that has been happening every night since I got back to Hawaii... I dream EVERY night. I do dream a lot, but not like this. And I dream about people I don't know. Which I have done for a long time. I'm not too concerned about it, just wish I knew why this is happening. :) It's kinda like having the tv on all night long :) LOL!!!
There is one thing that has been happening every night since I got back to Hawaii... I dream EVERY night. I do dream a lot, but not like this. And I dream about people I don't know. Which I have done for a long time. I'm not too concerned about it, just wish I knew why this is happening. :) It's kinda like having the tv on all night long :) LOL!!!
Tuesday, January 04, 2011
A New Year, A New Beginning
This is how we celebrated the new year here in Kapolei, HI. I can't believe how much can happen in a year... we've moved twice, added a puppy to our family, and at one time I went from being able to see most everything, to not being able to see anything.
I'm so thankful for all and everything. Since moving to Hawaii about a month ago, I've found a church I will be calling "Home". The pastor is young, but he speaks with truth and commitment. The people are so kind and friendly.
My plan right now is to go back to designing and using the creativity that God has given me. Just when I thought I'd run out of ideas, He opened up my eyes so I could 'see' again (both figuratively and literally). I've also got some new ideas for promotions for Harvest Moon. So, be watching (if you're a knitter)
We are stepping out in faith believing that if we obey God with our tithes and offerings, He will reward us and provide for us all of our economical needs that we will have this year (and beyond). One thing we know is that He is ALWAYS faithful. And living in a higher cost of living area, we will have more needs than we had in the past. Don't ask me how it works, all I know is that it does.
I'm off to dream land now. I promise, I'll write more this year :) Blessings to you all!
Saturday, October 02, 2010
Aloha :)
(these Hawaiian Protea are my favorite flowers!)
And now... God has worked behind the scenes and on Rick's behalf to place him in a position of upper management at the new Lowes store in Honolulu... SO.... we are moving back to Hawaii in less than 2 weeks!!! He is to report to the new store on Oct 16. There is so much to do and so little time to do it.
Today we spent most of our time getting our Piper and Coco ready for travel with shots and check ups. It seems that Piper (who will be traveling directly with Rick to Hawaii) will need to stay in quarantine for 120 days. Coco (who will be traveling with me to Ohio and then onto Hawaii) won't have to go through that. She will probably be released upon her arrival. Hawaii has no cases of Rabies and this strict practice is why.
Well, it seems that God is again in charge of our future. I'm excited to see where he 'drops' me this time. I would love to go back to teaching full time, but I don't know if I have the stamina to do that now. We'll just have to wait and see :)
Thursday, August 05, 2010
Our Visit To The Nephrologist
Well, our appointment was for 4:00. We got there at 3:30 so we could fill out all the paperwork. We finally met Dr. Moss at 4:45. Our appointment lasted until just after 6:00!!! But boy was this Dr thorough! We asked me questions going back to my childhood. When all was said and done, we were so happy when he said he thought my acute kidney failure is due to some of the medicines I'm taking!!! YEAH!!!! Thank you God for this man! So, I'm off of 2 and will be taking 1/2 of another every other day. I'm really happy about this. I just hope my bp doesn't go up. It's been so good the last few times I've been to the DR. AND something I'm really excited about is that I've lost 17 lbs since July 5th!!!! No diet, just nausea. One of the things that really impressed me is that after examining me, he wondered about the redness of my skin. He asked me if this was normal for me and I said yes, and Rick told him that at times my face gets red as a tomato. This really interested him. He asked if I have ever been tested for Lupus. I know that I have many of the symptoms, but I wanted him to come up with that, not for me to suggest it. So, our plan right now is to get the meds lined up and adjusted, get a blood test every week to make sure what's going on with my kidneys, and to be back in 3 to 4 weeks. As a very last option, if we can't find out what's going on after all of this, then there might be the need for a kidney biopsy. But I really really don't think this will be needed. I just have a feeling that we're going to find out the reason for my high bp and it will get fixed. After this is all done... next will be the orthopedic Dr. Dr Moss did look at my 'bad' knee and he said 'this knee is really messed up'. So, for now, I'm happy to be getting off of some of this medicine. We'll see about my next blood test next week. :)
Wednesday, August 04, 2010
A Little Of This & That
Well, what kind of mom would I be if I didn't brag on our 'baby girl'? Here she is with her 'stylist' Taryn :) You can actually see her little black eyes and button nose. We are so enjoying her. Maybe I'll share with you all a new video that I made of Coco doing all the things she's learned so far. :) She's so cute and so well behaved. :)
Now for more medical news... I had another blood test yesterday and the Dr called this afternoon. My Creatine level has gone down a few points but now I seem to be low on potassium. The Nephrologist's nurse called today to remind me of my appointment tomorrow. I'm to have all the meds I'm taking written down with quantities. To be honest with you, I'm so confused right now about what I'm suppose to be taking and what I'm not. I'm hoping and praying that they find out that it's all this medicine that might be causing all my current woes. At last count I'm to be taking 7 and have 3 more that I was on and am not to take any more. I think this is absolutely ridiculous!!! If they could only find what has caused my high blood pressure that I've had for over 35 years and fix that, then maybe I wouldn't have to take any meds. That would be like heaven!!! Finally, I've got a Dr's attention and she said we will get to the bottom of this and do a workup to find the cause. Rick is going to the Dr with me tomorrow and I'm really happy about that. It was his idea. I think that 2 set of ears are always better than 1 :) We are both thinking positive things. I'll be back later with more news. For now I am still having problems with my right knee, calf, upper arm, and my white spots. Hopefully they will all be back to normal soon :)
Now for more medical news... I had another blood test yesterday and the Dr called this afternoon. My Creatine level has gone down a few points but now I seem to be low on potassium. The Nephrologist's nurse called today to remind me of my appointment tomorrow. I'm to have all the meds I'm taking written down with quantities. To be honest with you, I'm so confused right now about what I'm suppose to be taking and what I'm not. I'm hoping and praying that they find out that it's all this medicine that might be causing all my current woes. At last count I'm to be taking 7 and have 3 more that I was on and am not to take any more. I think this is absolutely ridiculous!!! If they could only find what has caused my high blood pressure that I've had for over 35 years and fix that, then maybe I wouldn't have to take any meds. That would be like heaven!!! Finally, I've got a Dr's attention and she said we will get to the bottom of this and do a workup to find the cause. Rick is going to the Dr with me tomorrow and I'm really happy about that. It was his idea. I think that 2 set of ears are always better than 1 :) We are both thinking positive things. I'll be back later with more news. For now I am still having problems with my right knee, calf, upper arm, and my white spots. Hopefully they will all be back to normal soon :)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
More Medical News
Today my Dr. called and told me that after talking with the Nepherologist that they have decided that the cause of my sudden kidney failure does NOT have to do with Rhabdomyolysis because of some enzyme problem that was just found. She also wanted me to have an ultra sound of my kidneys and bladder asap. So, at 1:30 this afternoon, I got a call from the Imaging Center telling me that I have an appointment at 3:00 and that I was to drink 12 oz of liquid an hour before the appointment. So, Rick and I were already out running errands when the call came, we stopped and got me something to drink and then off to the Imaging Center we went. During the ultra sound the tech and I were chatting. I told her that I'm really not too concerned about this kidney thing but that I'm much more worried about my right knee (I was barely able to walk today) After she was finished she said she had to go talk to the Dr. She was gone a long time. When she came back she asked if I was ok. And I said "yes" and she said... we'll after they tell you everything else, you're going to find out that you also have gallstones too." I'm not sure what that meant, but the gallstones don't really come as a big surprise nor am I too worried about it all. I still don't 'feel' sick... just my right knee and leg pain. We'll have to see what tomorrow brings :)
Off topic.... kind of :)
I just had to share Coco's first Video! :) She makes me feel better just by watching her :)
Wednesday, July 28, 2010
A Big Surprise
I know it's been a while since I've done any journaling, so I thought this experience that I'm going through might be something I could write about that might be helpful to someone else. So, here goes my latest adventure in life...
- about 6 months ago I would be awakened from a deep sleep with severe leg pains in my right calf. These pains were NOT cramps (I use to be a swimmer, so I know what those feel like), this was a deep, sharp pain.
- I had not had any real complaints over the past year. So, in March it was time for me to go back to my Dr to get all of my prescriptions refilled. I was suppose to have a follow up appointment with her, but didn't get around to it until the beginning of this month. At that appointment all was good. My blood pressure was better than it ever was and I was feeling pretty good except I was tired all the time, I started to see these 'white spots or balloons' going up and down my left and right perifial vision field. I also felt like the arthritis in my right knee was flaring up. The Dr. reviewed my test and found that my thyroid was barely functioning. She increased my synthroid from 75 to 100. She also said I needed to see an eye Dr.
- So, I went to the eye Dr. last week. After a thorough exam, the Dr. said I did NOT have a torn retina, but I am having Ocular Migraines. That's why I see the 'white spots'.
- About 10 days ago, I was standing when I felt a sharp pain behind my right knee. Pain rain down my right calf and I had to make an appointment with an urgent care Dr. at the clinic where I go. I wasn't even able to walk into the clinic. Rick had to get a wheel chair for me. When I saw the Dr., he was sure that I had a Baker's Cyst that had ruptured behind my knee. He wanted to make sure I didn't have a blood clot in my calf, so he took a blood test and ordered a series of x-rays.
- The next day he called and told me that the x-rays showed that I have moderate arthritis, liquid on my knee, and calcium deposits as well. He recommended that I go to an Orthopedic Dr.
- The next day after that he called again saying that something was very wrong with my kidney function. So, he reordered my meds.... cutting some out and adding some. And he wanted me to see my Dr. as soon as possible.
- This brings me up to today. I went to see my Dr. and the first thing she did was show me my blood tests from March and 10 days ago. In March, my Creatine level (which determines your kidney function) was 1.0 (which is great!!! 1.0 - 1.7 is normal) Then she showed me that the blood test 10 days ago showed 2.8, which is way NOT right in only 4 months. She was sure that some how my blood test got mixed up with someone else's. So, she ordered a new blood test. She also was very concerned that my blood pressure was so faint/low. And that my pulse was 41. She said I need to get that up to mid-50's/60s.
- I was only home about 30 minutes when the Dr. called and said... I just got done talking to a Nephrologist and we are really concerned because the blood test today was up to 3.0 and there was blood in the urine. I couldn't believe her urgency and concern. She kept saying... "this is not right". So, now the plan is to get another blood test on Tues., then I have another appointment with her on Thur. On that day I will be getting an ultra-sound of my kidneys and if the blood test shows an elevated Creatine level, then I will immediately go to the nephrologist. Both she and the Dr she talked to seem to think I might have RHABDOMYOLYSIS. She explained that this happens as a result of muscle cells breaking down and lodging in the kidneys causing damage.
- So, what a big surprise... I would never ever had thought that all of this would be happening to me. I'll keep you all posted.
Monday, July 19, 2010
You Are Not Alone...
You are not alone - For God is with you.
You are not defenseless - For God is your protector.
You are not inadequate - For God is your sufficiency.
You are not useless - For God has a purpose for your life.
You are not worthless - For God sent His Son to die for you.
You are not without hope - For God has a place prepared for you.
You are not unloved - For God loves you with an everlasting love.
You are not rejected, or abandoned - For God calls you His own.
You are not defenseless - For God is your protector.
You are not inadequate - For God is your sufficiency.
You are not useless - For God has a purpose for your life.
You are not worthless - For God sent His Son to die for you.
You are not without hope - For God has a place prepared for you.
You are not unloved - For God loves you with an everlasting love.
You are not rejected, or abandoned - For God calls you His own.
"I will never fail you. I will never abandon you." So we can say with confidence, "The Lord is my helper, so I will have no fear. What can mere people do to me?" Hebrews 13:5-6 NLT
Devotional by Roy LessinSaturday, June 26, 2010
We're going to have a new member of our family!!!

I've been talking with Mr Piper about his 'new sis' that will be here at the beginning of Aug and he doesn't seem too interested right now :)
Now we have to focus on the perfect name for our 'sweetie'. My first thought is Gracie. I have always liked that name, but am not sure it's the one. If you have any ideas, I'd love to hear them!
Friday, May 28, 2010
I highly recommend..
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
Another NEW Book
Catherine Martin is one of my most favorite Christian writers. I love reading her books. Just when I start it seems I've come to the end of the chapter. And this is a 30-day journey book. That means I get to savor each day my time with God. I'd love to challenge you to pick up one of her books. You won't regret it!
Friday, May 21, 2010
Back in the swing again :)
For those of you who didn't know that I design knitted items, mainly dishcloths, I thought I'd share a couple of pictures of what I make. I'm thanking God for this blessing and for the time off. Now it's time to get back 'into' it again :)
Pattern Grouping #55
Pattern Grouping #56
Stop by HARVEST MOON DESIGNS to check out my over 500 patterns!
Monday, May 17, 2010
I've been debating wheather to begin posting again or not. It's been such a very LONG time since I last posted. But as soon as I opened a forwarded message with this picture, I had to share!!! This is ONE OF MY MOST FAVORITE pictures. I've seen it before and loved it then as much as I do now. I LOVE this picture of Jesus at the heart's door as much as the traditional one mainly because it looks like Jesus is standing in front of a 'vintage' home. And those of you who do know me knows that I LOVE anything vintage. The picture also reminds me that it's not only important to let Jesus into your heart, but also into your home. I wouldn't want anything in my home that would offend or make me blush if Jesus came for a visit. What about you?
Monday, January 04, 2010
A New Year, A New Adventure...
Come on over and see what I'm going to be doing in this new year... :)Just click on the title of this posting.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
My 'Angel Bag'
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
I'mmmmmmmmmm BAAAACK!!!
A LOT has been happening here...

My youngest son, Chris, who is in the Navy (going to be a Chef!) is finishing up 'A' school and will be going off to Japan before Christmas.
My mother has come through a kidney crisis that almost took her life.
My dad went back to the Cleveland Clinic for a checkup to make sure his bladder cancer has not grown back. And Thank YOU, God!!! No cancer seen!!!
And I've been from Ohio to Washington to New Jersey to Ohio in less than a month. Shortly after I got back from Ohio less than a month ago, my mom's only functioning kidney began to shut down. As I prayed to God about what I should do, He assured me to stay in Washington and that He would take care of my mom. So, Rick and I, having 2 weeks off of vacation, were able to spend some quality time together and on his last day of vacation I flew back to Ohio.
We are thanking God that He not only took good care of her, but has brought another wonderful, skillful, local dr into her life.
Rick and I both decided I needed to stay here until I'm no longer needed. :) One of the nice things about staying with my parents is that I get to see my son and his family! Weston, Joseph, Andrew, and Mylie.
Now that I finally figured out what went wrong on my blog, I've got a TON of pictures to post... all my 'crafty' eclectic things I've been working on... and say, if you'd like to take another peek into my daily life you can seem day by day what I'm doing on 'plurk'. Just look to the right --->
I'm so glad I'm back!!! :)
Blessings to you all!

My youngest son, Chris, who is in the Navy (going to be a Chef!) is finishing up 'A' school and will be going off to Japan before Christmas.
My mother has come through a kidney crisis that almost took her life.
My dad went back to the Cleveland Clinic for a checkup to make sure his bladder cancer has not grown back. And Thank YOU, God!!! No cancer seen!!!
And I've been from Ohio to Washington to New Jersey to Ohio in less than a month. Shortly after I got back from Ohio less than a month ago, my mom's only functioning kidney began to shut down. As I prayed to God about what I should do, He assured me to stay in Washington and that He would take care of my mom. So, Rick and I, having 2 weeks off of vacation, were able to spend some quality time together and on his last day of vacation I flew back to Ohio.
We are thanking God that He not only took good care of her, but has brought another wonderful, skillful, local dr into her life.
Rick and I both decided I needed to stay here until I'm no longer needed. :) One of the nice things about staying with my parents is that I get to see my son and his family! Weston, Joseph, Andrew, and Mylie.
Now that I finally figured out what went wrong on my blog, I've got a TON of pictures to post... all my 'crafty' eclectic things I've been working on... and say, if you'd like to take another peek into my daily life you can seem day by day what I'm doing on 'plurk'. Just look to the right --->
I'm so glad I'm back!!! :)
Blessings to you all!
Friday, September 11, 2009
Saturday, September 05, 2009
Keeping Busy, Experiencing Blessings, and Prayers of Thanksgiving
It's been a while since I've had the time to really sit down and share what's been going on in my life, so I thought tonight might be a good time to do so.
I've been seeing this bag in my head for over a year now. And this week I finally got around to making my 'dream' come true. I really like the way it turned out. I'm sorry the picture isn't that good. I wanted to use different medias in order to create this "altered art" bag. This is the front of the bag.
This is the inside of the bag. I wanted to use a light color for the lining. I have a hard time seeing sometimes in a dark lined bag.
This is the back of the bag. since I used a batting, I went over each section with decorative sewing stitches. I LOVE my mom's sewing machine :) Next I'm going to make a large tote bag for my flight back to Washington in a few weeks.
Now for the blessings and thanksgivings...
Last month my Dad had knee surgery, during that time the doctors found out that he had bladder cancer. Within a few days my mom was told by her urologist that she would need to have a tube put in her back and would need to wear a bag on her back for the rest of her life. He told her that she had a blockage in the tube leading from her kidney into her bladder. My mom is one of my best friends and I told her to get a second opinion. To me what the doctor wanted to do didn't make sense. Instead of trying to find out why the tube was blocked, he wanted to do this procedure that would effect the rest of her life. So, she went to get a second opinion and that doctor (who also works in the same office) told her without looking at her records, that it seemed reasonable. So, I hopped on the first plane that I could get on and left Washington state and flew to Ohio. The day after I got here my mom and I both went to the dr to get more info on this procedure her urologist wanted to do. When the dr came into the room he looked at my mom and said "what are you doing here?" My mom said "we are here to get some of our questions answered about this procedure that we're going to have done." The dr said, with a big grin on his face "We're not going to do the procedure." my mom said "We aren't?" and he said "you didn't trust me and you went to get a second opinion. I am no longer your dr." I was shocked and furious!!!! "I said, you mean to tell me that you've been treating her for over 12 years and now because she went to get a second opinion, you won't treat her?" and he said "that's right" and then he said "If I were you I'd get yourself a new dr right away because you don't have much time!!!!" My mom asked "how much time do I have" and he said "I'm no longer your dr so I won't discuss it!!!!!!" I was so MAD!!!!!!! But God was once again in total control!!! This incident happened on Fri. by Mon. afternoon BOTH of my parents had appointments at Cleveland Clinic, one of the top 4 hospitals of the US!!! So, that Wed. my mom had her first appointment with a new urologist and my dad saw the top dr who deals with bladder cancer on Thur. Since they live 4 hours drive from Cleveland, we spent most of that week in the Guesthouse. While we were there EVERYONE from the people who drove the shuttles, to the nurses and drs were so very nice. We couldn't believe that EVERYONE actually seemed to like their jobs and that they tried to make life there better. My dad had surgery on Fri of that week. After 3 turmors were removed he was given chemo directly into his bladder and is doing fine. We thank God for that healing and for his drs and nurses who took care of him. My mom's dr said that from the CD of the ultrasound and the records that we brought that he did NOT believe my mom had a blockage and as a matter of fact, he felt sure she had a reflux problem in her bladder that has over the past 12 years has damaged her only working kidney and if the previous dr had treated that she would have more kidney function that what she now has. He sent her home after some tests and had made an appointment for her to return in 2 weeks. We had only been home for a few days and my mom's dr called and said we needed to get to Cleveland as soon as possible because my mom had an infection that only iv antibiotics would kill. So, again we through clothes in a bag, put my dad in the car, took the dog to the doggie hotel and we were off again to Cleveland. As soon as we got there and got my dad comfortable in the Guesthouse then my mom was admitted to the hospital and ivs started. During her stay, the dr did another procedure to check on that possible 'blockage' that her original dr was sure was there. THANK GOD!!! he was wrong!!!! There was NO blockage!!!! If she would have 'just trusted him', she would have had to wear that tube in her back for ever. Instead the new dr found she does have a reflux problem in her bladder and came up with a plan that is so much easier for her to live with. She still has to go to Cleveland for follow ups. But we ALL learned a lesson on our own HEALTH CARE.... GET A SECOND OPINION!!!!! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, we all appriecate all the kindnesses you've shown.

Now for the blessings and thanksgivings...
Last month my Dad had knee surgery, during that time the doctors found out that he had bladder cancer. Within a few days my mom was told by her urologist that she would need to have a tube put in her back and would need to wear a bag on her back for the rest of her life. He told her that she had a blockage in the tube leading from her kidney into her bladder. My mom is one of my best friends and I told her to get a second opinion. To me what the doctor wanted to do didn't make sense. Instead of trying to find out why the tube was blocked, he wanted to do this procedure that would effect the rest of her life. So, she went to get a second opinion and that doctor (who also works in the same office) told her without looking at her records, that it seemed reasonable. So, I hopped on the first plane that I could get on and left Washington state and flew to Ohio. The day after I got here my mom and I both went to the dr to get more info on this procedure her urologist wanted to do. When the dr came into the room he looked at my mom and said "what are you doing here?" My mom said "we are here to get some of our questions answered about this procedure that we're going to have done." The dr said, with a big grin on his face "We're not going to do the procedure." my mom said "We aren't?" and he said "you didn't trust me and you went to get a second opinion. I am no longer your dr." I was shocked and furious!!!! "I said, you mean to tell me that you've been treating her for over 12 years and now because she went to get a second opinion, you won't treat her?" and he said "that's right" and then he said "If I were you I'd get yourself a new dr right away because you don't have much time!!!!" My mom asked "how much time do I have" and he said "I'm no longer your dr so I won't discuss it!!!!!!" I was so MAD!!!!!!! But God was once again in total control!!! This incident happened on Fri. by Mon. afternoon BOTH of my parents had appointments at Cleveland Clinic, one of the top 4 hospitals of the US!!! So, that Wed. my mom had her first appointment with a new urologist and my dad saw the top dr who deals with bladder cancer on Thur. Since they live 4 hours drive from Cleveland, we spent most of that week in the Guesthouse. While we were there EVERYONE from the people who drove the shuttles, to the nurses and drs were so very nice. We couldn't believe that EVERYONE actually seemed to like their jobs and that they tried to make life there better. My dad had surgery on Fri of that week. After 3 turmors were removed he was given chemo directly into his bladder and is doing fine. We thank God for that healing and for his drs and nurses who took care of him. My mom's dr said that from the CD of the ultrasound and the records that we brought that he did NOT believe my mom had a blockage and as a matter of fact, he felt sure she had a reflux problem in her bladder that has over the past 12 years has damaged her only working kidney and if the previous dr had treated that she would have more kidney function that what she now has. He sent her home after some tests and had made an appointment for her to return in 2 weeks. We had only been home for a few days and my mom's dr called and said we needed to get to Cleveland as soon as possible because my mom had an infection that only iv antibiotics would kill. So, again we through clothes in a bag, put my dad in the car, took the dog to the doggie hotel and we were off again to Cleveland. As soon as we got there and got my dad comfortable in the Guesthouse then my mom was admitted to the hospital and ivs started. During her stay, the dr did another procedure to check on that possible 'blockage' that her original dr was sure was there. THANK GOD!!! he was wrong!!!! There was NO blockage!!!! If she would have 'just trusted him', she would have had to wear that tube in her back for ever. Instead the new dr found she does have a reflux problem in her bladder and came up with a plan that is so much easier for her to live with. She still has to go to Cleveland for follow ups. But we ALL learned a lesson on our own HEALTH CARE.... GET A SECOND OPINION!!!!! Thank you all for your prayers and thoughts, we all appriecate all the kindnesses you've shown.
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Family News!

We are so very proud of Chris. He has prayed and been so patient during the 6 months that it's taken to get through all the red tape. After Basics, he will be going to Culinary Arts school.
May God be with you Chris!
Love you much!!
Sunday, June 21, 2009
My next book

Friday, June 19, 2009
Another GREAT book!!!
I just finish Randy Alcorn's book " The Treasure Principle". I LOVED IT!!!! Yes, it's about giving, but it's NOT based on 'giving to get' but on the Biblical principle 'that since all we have comes from God, then it's our responsibility to use what He's given accordingly.' There are a few points either I had not heard before or that really impressed me, they are:
- Since we are God's money manager's we need to seek His advice in the areas that He'd like us to invest in.
- Leaving large amounts of money to our children after our deaths may rob them of a blessing from God.
- The only thing Jesus said in the book of Acts was: "It is more blessed to give than to receive."
- We often hear the saying "home is where your heart is" well so goes our 'treasures'. If our hearts are in the business of giving, our 'treasures' will not be of this world but of the one we will one day enter (that is if your giving is as to the Lord, and not for pride or selfish means)
- What we do in this life has but a short time to live (or be active) but what we do to further God's Kingdom now will not only help others now, but us later.
- I am a citizen of Heaven with all the rights that go along with that citizenship. I am only spending a short time here.
Tuesday, June 09, 2009
A Bump in the Road
Well, after a very short wait for the 'SINNER' book at the library, I finally got to start reading it yesterday. I was really excited to be starting it when I realized that I need to read the previous books in order to get the full picture of the story. So, I guess this book will have to wait until it's my turn to read the other 2 books in the series. I need to make another trip to the library to return this book for the next person to enjoy.In the mean time, I'm really loving the Randy Alcorn book "THE TREASURE PRINCIPLE". There are so many wonderful things in this little book. It's exciting to be a part of GOD's circle of life... He give to us, we give to others, they to go others, God gives back to us and the circle of true happiness begins. And one of the best parts in this circle is that in the end, when we are in Heaven, God isn't going to ask to see our savings account or our credit card receipts, but He is going to pull out a scroll and remind us of what we did and what we gave in His name and on that day, in that moment in time, God will reward us with riches that no fire, hurricane, debt collector or flood can destroy!!! I LOVE that and can't wait. My prayer now in this moment is "God help me to be sensitive enough to know where you want me to give YOUR money, time, and help."
"For where your treasures are, there will your heart be also..
"For where your treasures are, there will your heart be also..
Thursday, June 04, 2009
Little did I know...
If you've been reading my blog for a while, you probably noticed that I've been concerned about the time when 'Chrisitans' will be seen as the 'enemy' and our freedoms and rights will be undermined. Well, as I was searching for my next fiction book to read, I ran across this interview in which Ted Dekker talks about his current best seller "Sinner". I can't decide if I want to start the series or just read this book. I've read "Adam" which Dekker wrote also. And when he says he writes 'edgy' books, he's right. But I just can't get this new book out of my head. The video below not only explains Dekker's new book, but also what I've been talking about for a long time now... scary... yet truthful... and Biblically based... I'm not making these things up...
Wednesday, June 03, 2009
Myspace Graphics- At
This one's for you! Remember the day(s)...
Tuesday, June 02, 2009
Summer Reading...

I'm also continueing to work my way through the Old Testament. Genisis through Malichi. I'm currently in Numbers during my evening reading and Zechariah in my morning reading. Won't you join me! Get to know God's love letter!!!! Below is a fun way to learn the books of the Bible...
Thursday, May 28, 2009
Yes, I'm on my soapbox.... again!!!
I just finished reading this article, Bush v. Gore lawyers take on gay marriage ban. I'm very concerned about this. To me it's not about legalizing gay marriages or not, it's about our freedom to vote and how there is coming a time when our votes mean nothing. The people of California voted to undo what the government put in place as a law. The people's votes were their voices. And now those who were for gay marriages are angry because the majority of people in their society said they didn't agree with the proposal, they are going to over rule the majority of their neighbors? I know a lot of people are upset about this and see nothing wrong with over turning the majority rule, but I do!!! And it's not about 'it' being right or wrong, it's about our freedom!!!!! Wake up America!!! I know, me being a 'born again' Christian who is not afraid to let her 'voice' be heard, my viewpoint on things isn't very popular, but I do have that right to believe that way, just as those who feel that gay marriage is ok have that right too. I'm not debating that, I'm just very concerned that America is well on her way to becoming a government that is ruled and owned by the government and that the power to control our country is now longer in the 'mighty' vote, but in the pocketbooks. The previous election is an example of that... who really bought the presidency? Where did all that money come from that put 'their' man in office? And now Rick just told me that he heard on CNN news that 'the powers that be' (money and power in America) are saying that until the economic times change, our country will be a socialistic country... it's right there on Twitter!!! I've been saying these things for years and people laugh at me, but I've been right about a lot of thing in my life in which others thought I was silly to believe what I do. Scroll down to my posting about Socialism and see where our headlines of today fall... and remember all the banks that have been 'bailed out' by the US government are now accountable to that same US government. God help us, have mercy on our country if not for any other reason than some of your children happen to reside here!!!
Wednesday, May 27, 2009

The second book I just finished, HEALING WATERS, really touched me. It is full of suspense, self-realization, a world view of some 'religious' people/leaders of this world. I don't want to give anything away, but Mary Graham (President of Women of Faith) says this about the book "For every women struggling with self worth, here's HEALING WATERS. My own personal quote from the book is "Salvation is not dependent on a dress size". I LOVE THAT!!! You can click on the picture to order a copy of your own or to read more about the book. Check it out!
So, if you're about to go on a vacation and need something to read, I whole heartily recommend these 2 books!!!
Monday, May 25, 2009

Veteran’s Day Tribute
These brave ones raised a hand;
No hesitation held them back;
They were proud to take a stand.
They gave up normal life;
To serve their country and their God,
They plowed into the strife.
On strange and foreign shores;
Some lost new friends; some lost their lives
In long and brutal wars.
To support the ones who fought;
Their country had requirements for
The essential skills they brought.
The noble and the brave,
The ones still with us here today,
And those who rest in a grave.
They’re a cut above the rest;
Let’s give the honor that is due
To our country’s very best.
Monday, May 18, 2009
A Beautiful Passage
Friday, May 15, 2009
Jesus, the Great Teacher

"One day some parents brought their children to Jesus so he could touch and bless them. But the disciples scolded the parents for bothering him.
14 When Jesus saw what was happening, he was angry with his disciples. He said to them, “Let the children come to me. Don’t stop them! For the Kingdom of God belongs to those who are like these children." Mark 10: 13 - 14 (NLT)
Sunday, May 10, 2009
Happy MOM'S Day, MOM!!
Thank YOU for being a Godly mom and for training me in the way of the Lord!!!
Saturday, May 09, 2009
The Creative

I am so excited about what I've been up to over the past week or so. I've been praying that God would show me new ideas in my designs. And I thought I'd show you what the results were. Many people wonder how I do this so I thought I'd explain the creative process that I go through in designing. The first thing I do is pray that God would lead me through or to give me an image in my mind's eye. I also ask to be lead or drawn to a color or a group of colors that seem to 'fit'. In the case of the little "KNITTED Granny Squares" I was thinking about how could I take a straight line and cause it to create "corners". Once I figured that out then I knew from experience how to make the 'holes' that would give the squares that 'Granny' look. I must admit it took about 7 times to really get the pattern down, but I'm really please with what God and I came up with. The

Friday, May 01, 2009
Nicole's Beautiful Lapghan
I just had to share this picture of a client of mine's lapghan she made for a church raffle that they are having tomorrow in order to make money to complete a building project. She requested me to design something that she could contribute. I had a lot of fun designing this because each square means soemthing. I loved doing the research and getting to know more about the Catholic Church. Her church's name is St. Mary's.
Nicole, you did a wonderful job!!! Thank YOU for letting me be a part of this project.
Thursday, April 30, 2009
Watch and See...

Will we loose these freedoms? Watch & See....
"Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances." 1st Amendment to the US Constitution
Check this out... do a google search if you don't believe me...
"The oppressive, anti-faith "hate crimes" legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday and is pending in the Senate. If passed, this legislation could stifle free-speech rights of pastors and other religious leaders."
Focus on the Family Newsletter
It's only a matter of time before the Government will be socialized and it will tell us how and what to believe! And where and what we can spend our money on. Sounds a lot like we'll soon be just puppets on a string... that is unless we are smart enough to realize what is really happening.
"The oppressive, anti-faith "hate crimes" legislation passed the U.S. House of Representatives yesterday and is pending in the Senate. If passed, this legislation could stifle free-speech rights of pastors and other religious leaders."
Focus on the Family Newsletter
It's only a matter of time before the Government will be socialized and it will tell us how and what to believe! And where and what we can spend our money on. Sounds a lot like we'll soon be just puppets on a string... that is unless we are smart enough to realize what is really happening.
Sunday, April 26, 2009
Happy 80th Birthday DAD!!
Did I give you your due..
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?
For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?
If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew it all along.
Love you!!!
For all that you've done for me
Did I ever thank you?
For all of my childhood memories
For helping me deal with life's stresses
For helping me accept my defeats
And celebrate my successes?
Or for teaching me the value of hard work,
Good judgement, courage, and being true
The laughter, smiles, and quiet times we've shared
Did I ever thank you?
If I have forgotten, I'm thanking you now
You taught me right from wrong....
I hope you know how much you're loved and appreciated
I hope you, instinctively, knew it all along.
Love you!!!
Saturday, April 25, 2009
One of the most precious gifts my parents gave us as children was the gift of travel. What a blessing to be able to see all the wonderful things God created for us and to meet people from all over this country. I found this map below that allows you to 'color' the map according to where you've traveled. As you can see, we were blessed to be able to see all of the US except Alaska. When we grew up, my parents completed their dream with a cruise along the Alaskan coast. We really do have a beautiful land!!!

visited 49 states (98%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or
visited 49 states (98%)
Create your own visited map of The United States or
Friday, April 24, 2009
Laughter is the BEST medicine
As soon as I ran across this video it brought back so many wonderful memories of my teaching days... kids really do say the most profound things. Take a look...
Sunday, April 19, 2009
Storing up treasures
For the last few years I've wished I was a home owner. That is until the past 6 months. Now I understand that it was God's will for us not to be tied down with so many earthly 'things'. Because Rick and I have moved long distances and because I really never felt connected or grounded in any one area, we never have 'collected' all the things most people our age have. Being like this makes moving when God leads so much easier. Little did I realize that, God has actually been teaching us something all along. Where our treasure is that's where our hearts will be. We are living in the day (not the future), giving as God commands and listening when He speaks. And we have the assurance that when we do as he says, we will be protected by jobloss, economic disaster, and want. In this area of faith and trust God says in Malachi "Try it! Put me to the test!" He goes on and says that "Your crops will be abundant, for I will guard them from insects and disease." And it's been about 3 years now that we have been following these principles and all our needs God has supplied.
Yesterday I picked up another book by Randy Alcorn "Money, Possessions, and Eternity". In the video below Randy talks about the principle above. Please watch with an open heart and allow God to show you the way out of an otherwise bad situation. I know that if you trust God and do as He asks He is faithful. If He can do these things for us, He can do them for you too because God is no respector of people. He loves us all the same. And wants to bless all His children in the same ways.
Yesterday I picked up another book by Randy Alcorn "Money, Possessions, and Eternity". In the video below Randy talks about the principle above. Please watch with an open heart and allow God to show you the way out of an otherwise bad situation. I know that if you trust God and do as He asks He is faithful. If He can do these things for us, He can do them for you too because God is no respector of people. He loves us all the same. And wants to bless all His children in the same ways.
Sunday, April 12, 2009
Friday, April 10, 2009
How Great Is Our God...
At a time when so many people are stuggleing with their own lives, many loose sight of God. In order to harvest God's blessings, one has to be right with God. The only way to be right is to understand who God is and who we are. As we celebrate Jesus' resurrection and the Jewish Passover, let us not forget How Great Is Our God...
Sunday, April 05, 2009
Since I've been doing a lot of reading in God's Word, The Bible, and because today is Palm Sunday, I decided this week to finally watch the movie THE PASSION OF THE CHRIST. I thought that now I was strong enough to watch it without letting my emotions take over. I was wrong!!! And I'm so very thankful I was wrong. Through this very graphic reinactment of the final hours of MY LORD AND SAVIOR I gained the true nature of just what he did for me and the extent of the pain he endured because of his unconditional love he showers on me and all that are his children. I would encourage all of you to try and get hold of this movie and watch what he did because he loves us so. I think you will look on the Easter story... Jesus' story... in a very different way. I think, like I thought, that we don't want to know exactly what he went through to provide a way for us to get to God. I think we feel that we don't need to 'see' what he went through because it's too painful for us to watch. Maybe you're like that. I know I was. But after watching this I understand just how much God loves me that he would allow Jesus to go through what he did and I understand now the true sacrifice that Jesus went through. Watching this movie has gotten this message way down in my very being... in my soul. I will NEVER again take my thankfulness for what Jesus did for ME on the cross so lightly. I would again encourage you to watch this. It's very very powerful and if you can walk away from viewing what Jesus did for you without any feeling, then I will pray that your heart would no longer be hardened. There is only one way to the Father, God. And that is through the blood of Jesus that he so freely gave for our sins. I know this isn't a popular way of believing any more, but IT IS THE ONLY WAY!
Tuesday, March 24, 2009
Monday, March 23, 2009
This has been banned in America
I recently got this in an email message and was saddened when I read that in many many US radio/tv stations this video is now banned!!!! YES, in AMERICA... freedom of speech? Where has it gone? People against Christ and His followers are allowed and even encouraged to let THEIR beliefs be known on the street corners, in the classroom, and in our congress... for THEM what THEY say and believe IS FREEDOM... but for those like me and the singers of this song what we have to say or believe is unpolitically correct... where oh where has OUR FREEDOM really gone?
Friday, March 13, 2009
Great Is Thy Faithfulness
The video below is in honor of a dear family friend's passing.
Mr Jones we know you are rejoicing with Jesus and are now totally healed!!
Mr Jones we know you are rejoicing with Jesus and are now totally healed!!
Tuesday, March 10, 2009
Today is Beautiful Christian Sisters Day!!
by Maya Angelou
'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean livin''
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain..
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Pretty is as Pretty does... but beautiful is just plain beautiful!
'A woman's heart should be so hidden in Christ
that a man should have to seek Him first to find her.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not shouting 'I'm clean livin''
I'm whispering 'I was lost, Now I'm found and forgiven.'
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I don't speak of this with pride.
I'm confessing that I stumble and need Christ to be my guide.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not trying to be strong.
I'm professing that I'm weak and need His strength to carry on.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not bragging of success.
I'm admitting I have failed and need God to clean my mess.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not claiming to be perfect,
My flaws are far too visible but, God believes I am worth it.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I still feel the sting of pain..
I have my share of heartaches, so I call upon His name.
When I say... 'I am a Christian' I'm not holier than thou,
I'm just a simple sinner Who received God's good grace, somehow!
Pretty is as Pretty does... but beautiful is just plain beautiful!
Thursday, March 05, 2009
Sho U Chicken Recipe :)
One of the best things about Hawaii is it's mix of foods from all over the world. Whatever kind of food you like best, you can find it there. The other day my Sis (Vicky) emailed me a favorite "local kine" Shoyu Chicken Recipe. I made it today, but didn't get a picture taken before the sun went down :( BUT trust me it was just as good as any I've had in Hawaii.... IT'S SIMPLE, INEXPENSIVE TO MAKE, & IT'S GOOD!!! I hope you will give it a try!!! :)
Sho-U Chicken (Soy Sauce Chicken)
1 thumb size piece of ginger root, peeled
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. soy sauce
1/2 c. water
1 clove garlic, mashed
1 4-5 lb. pkg chicken thighs, skin removed (about 10-12 thighs, you can also use leg quarters)
Place first 5 ingredients in crock-pot, stir. Add chicken thighs. Cook on high for 6-8 hours or low for 10-12 hours. Serve with rice.
In Hawaii we called this a plate lunch and was served not only with rice but also with mac salad. When I was teaching prek in Pearl City and on the days we had a field trip, I would always stop at this little 'whole in the wall'. It's called Kabuki and it's at 98-042 Kam Hwy
Aiea, HI 96701. I would walk up to that open window on the left and there would be various choices of local foods. They would put my choices in a little white box with chop sticks. How fun!!! Loved it!!! (I also loved their ono fish, vegie tempura, sushi, sausage... I guess I loved it all!) :)LOL
Sho-U Chicken (Soy Sauce Chicken)
1 thumb size piece of ginger root, peeled
1 c. brown sugar
1 c. soy sauce
1/2 c. water
1 clove garlic, mashed
1 4-5 lb. pkg chicken thighs, skin removed (about 10-12 thighs, you can also use leg quarters)
Place first 5 ingredients in crock-pot, stir. Add chicken thighs. Cook on high for 6-8 hours or low for 10-12 hours. Serve with rice.

Aiea, HI 96701. I would walk up to that open window on the left and there would be various choices of local foods. They would put my choices in a little white box with chop sticks. How fun!!! Loved it!!! (I also loved their ono fish, vegie tempura, sushi, sausage... I guess I loved it all!) :)LOL
Sunday, March 01, 2009
Never A Dull Moment :)
The other day I saw a group on Ravelry (a knitting/crocheting social network) in which every member created a photo journal. They were to take 1 picture a day and post it to their 'journal'. No words were needed, just the picture. Making the saying a picture has a thousand words. SOOO... I decided, I'm a bit late to be able to start with a group, so I've decided to do the same thing on my own. You can check out my 'photo' of the day at IN MY FOOTSTEPS. I think it's going to a lot of fun!!! I always wanted to be a photographer!!! :)LOL I hope you will stop by.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Something to think about...

I ran across this quote from a minister serving during World War II...
"In Germany they came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Reverend Martin Niemoller, date unknown
"In Germany they came for the communists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a communist. Then they came for the Jews, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a Jew. Then they came for the trade unionists, and I didn't speak up because I wasn't a trade unionist. Then they came for the Catholics, and I didn't speak up because I was a Protestant. Then they came for me, and by that time no one was left to speak up."
Reverend Martin Niemoller, date unknown
Saturday, February 21, 2009
What a day to be alive!!!

I just came home from doing my usual Sat. running and had to come right to my puter to write about how happy I am to be alive!!! It's absolutely gorgeous today here in the Great Northwest. I'm still shaking due to sensory over load. The sky is beautiful blue... you know the kind... like on the day before Spring? The air is crisp and clean and it's a blessing to inflate your lungs with such cleansing breaths. The snowy covered mountains that stand guard around our little town of Bellingham are looking over this hamlet by the sound. I saw people walking stopping and chatting... people who haven't been out all winter were walking their dogs... there was a buzz of business at our neighborhood gardening store... ladies were turning the soil in their flowerbeds as if to wake up the beauties that are sure to appear... men were out and about gathering things to fix up things around their homes that had been neglected during the winter... and through it all I just thanked God for allowing me to be right here... right now... to experience this beautiful day!!! What a wonderful way to worship the creator and to thank Him for the beauty of His Earth.... I love the way He loves me!!!
Sunday, February 15, 2009
Saturday, February 14, 2009
Love... real love...
On this day when the whole world seems to be celebrating love, I became aware of how much I love... I love my husband... I love my children and their children... I love my parents... and my sister and brother and their children and grandchildren... I love my friends... and then I realized I love my God more with every minute and every passing hour and that I've got to start showing that love to those who need it. Francis Chan calls this Crazy Love. After having finished his book, my eyes have been opened to a new love. One that I'm going to nurture from now on for the rest of my life.
If you've ever wanted to know what God really wants for your life, this book might be a good place to start... the key is that He wants a relationship with you... all he wants is your love.
I've often heard people say who they want to talk to when they get to Heaven... that is after they spend some time with Jesus... up until now, other than family & friends, I had no one that I could think of that I'd really like to sit down with and just talk about God's wonders, glories, and love... that is until now... now I know, Rev. Chan is who I want to 'chat' with. I want to live every day (now BEFORE I get to Heaven) with Jesus by my side and in my thoughts and I want to be thinking constantly about Heaven. Then the next time I see that man on the corner with his sign asking for money, I'm going to forget what "they" tell us to do and I will see Jesus in his eyes and I will make sure I have some money to give. I get it now.
Just listen to what Francis says about our wonderful God...
If you've ever wanted to know what God really wants for your life, this book might be a good place to start... the key is that He wants a relationship with you... all he wants is your love.
I've often heard people say who they want to talk to when they get to Heaven... that is after they spend some time with Jesus... up until now, other than family & friends, I had no one that I could think of that I'd really like to sit down with and just talk about God's wonders, glories, and love... that is until now... now I know, Rev. Chan is who I want to 'chat' with. I want to live every day (now BEFORE I get to Heaven) with Jesus by my side and in my thoughts and I want to be thinking constantly about Heaven. Then the next time I see that man on the corner with his sign asking for money, I'm going to forget what "they" tell us to do and I will see Jesus in his eyes and I will make sure I have some money to give. I get it now.
Just listen to what Francis says about our wonderful God...
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
Thanks, Mom... what a blessing!!
Since we're talking about what our hands can do for others, let us never forget where we should put our faith in times of trouble and times of plenty... they are so strong...
Thursday, February 05, 2009
Trying To Be Something We're Not
As I was flipping through the channels a few minutes ago, I came across Joyce Meyers. She was talking about something that really touched me and made me think of myself in a different way. Joyce was talking about trying to be like others and not being who God made us to be. Some of her Bible references had to do with how God says he knew us before we were even formed in our mother's womb. And after creating, God said "It is good". He didn't say "well... this is good... this is not so good... this is NOT good... he said 'everything I made is good'. The eye-opening thing that she said that really touched home is "It is an insult to God for trying to be/wanting to be just like someone else." He created each of us for something special. He has a purpose for each of us. He didn't make us all to be exactly a like. I've always been amazed when I was teaching how many children who came through my classroom and each looked so different from each other and they each had such different personalities. What a wonder God is that in creating each of us, He never gets bored or never runs out of ideas in His creation. People ask me all the time "How do you come up with so many designs?" And I don't know how, except God gives me ideas... many times, I have no idea where the name of a design comes from, except I seem to hear or sense it and that's what it becomes. As a designer/creator, I wonder as I begin a cloth where will it go... sometimes I have no idea until it's done... but God being THE great designer/creator... He knows before He even starts what each of us will be or how He will want to use us. It's up to us to realize it's Jesus living in us that works through us, it's not we ourselves. With looking at life in that manner we can see that we do have a purpose and that purpose isn't to be a replica of someone else.
There is a caution though to what I've just said... yes, everything that God makes is good, but being good doesn't mean we are perfect or without sin. We all have sinned and fallen short of God's will for our lives, but the most wonderful thing that our loving Father gives is forgiveness through the sacrificial death of His son, Jesus. Once we ask Jesus into our hearts, God sees us through Jesus' blood and we are 'good' again. What kind of love is that?
There is a caution though to what I've just said... yes, everything that God makes is good, but being good doesn't mean we are perfect or without sin. We all have sinned and fallen short of God's will for our lives, but the most wonderful thing that our loving Father gives is forgiveness through the sacrificial death of His son, Jesus. Once we ask Jesus into our hearts, God sees us through Jesus' blood and we are 'good' again. What kind of love is that?
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Just Stop And Think
After finally finishing the book "Heaven", I was at a loss as to what to read next. I know I posted 4 books that I got in December for my reading list, but for some reason, I just didn't have the drive to pick any of those books up. I don't know about you, but when I really get into a book, the book becomes alive in me. All of my senses are awaken by reading. It as if I jump into the book and the author is my best friend who leads me along the way. Well, a few weeks ago, I got a coupon in the mail for 33% off of one item at our local Christian book store. I didn't want it to go to waste, so I went to the store thinking I'd like to find a Nativity set that might be marked down. Instead, I found this little red book called "Crazy Love". I picked it up, read the back cover, put it down... looked around the store... picked up a few other things... but I kept going back to the book... God was leading me... telling me... 'YOU NEED THIS ONE'. So, I bought it and I just started reading it and all I can saw is "WOW!!!" I know this is going to be my next "favorite book". I don't want to spoil it because I'm praying that many of you might be enticed and will want to read it too!!! But I will say, it is very very easy to read and there are on-line videos to go with every chapter. PLEASE take the time to watch this video.... Please JUST STOP AND THINK....
God Bless!
God Bless!
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
Opening & Closing Doors :)
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